Dedicated Rotarians and community leaders with a passion for education.
2025 Team
It takes a large team of volunteers to create, organize, judge, and host the Educational Excellence Awards program each year. The following individuals from the Lake Oswego Rotary Club and community leaders have contributed their time and energy to this valuable cause. The Lake Oswego Rotary Club, as a whole, has been invaluable in lending their support throughout the years, and at the time the Educational Excellence Award program was first established and implemented.
Brian Bice
Malcolm Mathes
Bob Bates - Past Judge Chair
Alan Bazzaz - Chair -Sponsorship Committee
Mark Birge
Carol Chabuk – Sponsorship Committee
Jay Hamacheck
Sophie Howard
MaryKay Larson – Executive Director of Communication LO School District
Bob Liddell – Awards & Sponsorship
Linda Mathes - Judge Chair
Dr. Jennifer Schiele – Lake Oswego Schools Superintendent
Susan Stohl – Marketing to Schools, Sponsorship
Whitney Woolf – Executive Director Lake Oswego Schools Foundation
Candace Jennings – Rotary President 2024-2025
Lake Oswego High School
Lakeridge High School
Website Volunteers
Joy Strull and Brian Strull